HONEY: • We love bees. And honey. In that order. You’ll notice our name doesn’t contain the word “honey”—our mission has always been about the bees. With each jar of honey, bee-powered beauty product, and cultivated hive, we’re working to save the bees. And with every purchase from Savannah Bee Company you are too. • From day one to today, everything we do at Savannah Bee Co. is so bees can continue their sacred work of building hives, pollinating flowers, powering our food supply, and spreading beauty. We understand that climate change, pesticides, and other threats to the bees’ fragile ecosystems also affect humanity, and we believe healthy bees make for a healthy planet. Saving the bees remains our highest priority. • All honey types are sourced from different flower species worldwide. The species of flower from which the bee gathered the nectar determines the color, flavor, and sugar composition of the honey. • The wax cells of honeycomb are not only edible but very beneficial because they contain natural vitamin A. BODY CARE: • Each of our body care products contains a mix of one to four honeybee hive ingredients. Royal jelly earns its name being the exclusive diet of the queen bee. |
Savannah Bee
Savannah Bee Book of Honey
Savannah Bee Everyday Honey 12oz Gift Set
Savannah Bee Honey Hot Sauce 5oz
Savannah Bee Whipped Honey 3oz Sampler
Savannah Bee Everyday Honey 3oz Sampler
Savannah Bee Bee Cause Honey 12oz
Savannah Bee Hot Honey Squeeze Bottle 12oz
Savannah Bee Queen Bee Body Butter Gift Set
Savannah Bee Artisanal Honey 3oz Sampler
Savannah Bee Hand Cream in Jar - Honey Almond
Savannah Bee Honey BBQ Sauce - Sweet, 16oz
Savannah Bee Honey BBQ Sauce - Mustard, 16oz
Savannah Bee Honey BBQ Sauce - Hot, 16oz
Savannah Bee Tupelo Honey Flute, 20oz
Savannah Bee Orange Blossom Honey Flute, 20oz
Savannah Bee Acacia Honey Flute, 20oz
Savannah Bee Lavender Honey, 12oz
Savannah Bee Saw Palmetto Honey, 12oz
Savannah Bee Wildflower Honey, 12oz
Savannah Bee Black Sage Honey, 3oz
Savannah Bee Sunflower Honey, 3oz
Savannah Bee Honey Straws, 30 pack
Savannah Bee Hot Honey Fire Sticks, 12 pack
Savannah Bee Raw Honeycomb, 12.5oz
Savannah Bee Whipped Honey Original, 12oz
Savannah Bee Whipped Honey with Lemon, 12oz
Savannah Bee Whipped Honey with Cinnamon, 3oz
Savannah Bee Whipped Honey with Choclate, 3oz
Savannah Bee Royal Jelly Body Butter - Original, 6.7oz
Savannah Bee Royal Jelly Body Butter - Tupelo, 1.65oz
Savannah Bee Heel Balm - Tangerine Spearmint, 2oz
Savannah Bee Lemongrass Spearmint Honey Hand Soap, 9.5oz
Savannah Bee Orange Blossom Honey Hand Soap, 9.5oz
Savannah Bee Tupelo Honey Hand Soap, 9.5oz
Savannah Bee Rosemary Lavender Hand Soap, 9.5oz
Savannah Bee Orange Blossom Honey Body Lotion, 9.5oz
Savannah Bee Tupelo Honey Body Lotion, 9.5oz
Savannah Bee Rosemary Lavender Body Lotion, 9.5oz
Bee The Balm Gift Box